Wednesday, December 24, 2008

McDonalds or Foxfire Book of Appalachian Cookery

McDonald's: Behind the Arches

Author: John F Lov

McDonald's: it is the world's premier entrepreneurial success story, a company whose growth worldwide continues to be astonishing. In tough financial times, McDonald's proved that ingenuity, trial and error, and gut instinct were the keys to building a service business the entire world has come to admire. In the years since McDonald's: Behind The Arches was first published, McDonald's has been a trendsetter in advertising, focusing on different ethnic groups as well as the physically disabled. McDonald's created McJobs, a program that employs both mentally challenged adults and senior citizens. And because its franchisees have their fingers on the pulse of the marketplace, McDonald's has evolved successfully with the health food revolution, launching dozens of new products and moving toward environmentally-safe packaging and recyclable goods. Inspiring, informative, and filled with behind the scenes stories, this remarkable saga offers an irresistible look inside a great American business success.

Publishers Weekly

Love presents a completely revised and updated version of the history behind the voracious hamburger empire. (Aug.)

Library Journal

``The history of the McDonald's system is the story of an organization that learned how to harness the power of entrepreneursnot several, but hundreds of them.'' This work is not the story of Ray Kroc, McDonald's colorful founder, but that of all of the individuals, including the McDonald brothers, suppliers, financiers, franchisees, as well as the early employees, who made McDonald's the undisputed champion of the fast food industry. The complex financial arrangements that were necessary to McDonald's success are made clear, as is the company's commitment to quality, service, and cleanliness. This entertaining work is highly recommended for most public and academic libraries. Michael D. Kathman, St. John's Univ. Lib., Collegeville, Minn.

Look this:

Foxfire Book of Appalachian Cookery

Author: Linda Garland Pag

The Foxfire group are dedicated to preserving and recording the traditions of America's Appalachian area, and this book of over 500 recipes, with black and white photography of the people of the area, is a classic from them. The food is nutritious, easy to prepare, and totally unpretentious, including recipes for potato candy, cry-baby cookies, lime pickles, and much more.

Table of Contents:
The Foxfire Book of Appalachian Cookeryvi
1.Appalachian Cooking "As far as the good part of it, I don't know if cooking today is any better."1
2.Menus "I don't never make a menu."36
3.Beverages "Used to you couldn't make it too strong but what I could drink it."41
4.Milk, Butter, Cheese, Eggs "Mama'd tell me to pull on the cow's tit to learn how to milk and that's the way I learned how."58
5.Soups and Stews "I made soup every fall, every summer."74
6.Salads "When you get all that chopped up, you've got a bowl full."83
7.Fish "They was plenty of fish in the river."91
8.Poultry and Wild Game Birds "Now I like the old-fashioned way of cooking wild turkey."100
9.Pork "We used to kill five or six big hogs every winter."116
10.Beef "Daddy didn't think you had much if you didn't have meat on the table."126
11.Wild Game "People say I make good squirrel dumplings."132
12.Gravies and Sauces "Mighty good for sopping biscuits in."143
13.Vegetables "They will melt in your mouth if you're a hillibilly."148
14.Breads "He's married a woman that can't even cook corn bread."177
15.Desserts "The best sweet potato pie you ever put your tooth on."207
16.Pickles, Relish, James, and Jellies "I like to cook my jellies fast and my preserves slow."270
17.Cooking for Crowds "I usually don't have any choice but to cook for a big crowd--especially on Sunday."298

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